Monday, October 25, 2010

Asking for a Little Encouragement

This is so unlike me to ask for help but I know that I'm going to need it!

For the first time in a very long time I woke up this morning thinking positively about my day.  Each minute I have to monitor my thought process.  My mind so easily wanders back to it's normal, negative way of thinking. 

A therapist I went to  many years ago told me that your thoughts travel a familiar path in your brain and when you find them heading down that path you have to intentionally shift them, creating a new path.  The more you do it you will train your brain so that this becomes it's default pathway.
I believe there are two reasons for my waking up this way. 

1.  I have spent the last two weeks basically living at my daughter's apt. helping her with her new baby, my first grandson.  Just being away from the house and my unhealthy routine has been good.  And, of course, seeing my new little grandson everyday helped too!

2.  Reading the following blogs.

A Design So Vast
Life Through a Cracked Lens
Ordinary Courage
Erica Staab

So, I'm asking for anyone who feels like it to encourage me in my minute by minute quest to staying positive today.  It's an uncomfortable feeling asking for help.  I'm proud of myself!
Thank you ladies!



  1. My father in law , Dr. Lee, studies postive psychology. He encourages people to keep a gratitude journal. At the end of the day list 3 things that were good in your day each day. It is so helpful in keeping it positive, and thining back to the good is mentally restful. Now I am not saying I am not negative at times because that would be untrue, but this does help. A good book to read is How Full is Your Bucket. Good luck.

  2. Thank you so much! I appreciate you taking the time to encourage me. : )
